Matthew J. Ardrey
Portfolio Manager & Senior Financial Planner
Portfolio Manager & Senior Financial Planner
Toronto office: (416) 733-3292 x 230
Matthew joined TriDelta in 2016 and has been dealing with high net worth clients’ financial planning, tax and investment management situations since 2000. Matthew majored in Finance and Economics at the University of Western Ontario and then went on to further his financial education through the Canadian Securities Institute. He has been a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) since 2001 and a Registered Financial Planner (R.F.P.) since 2017.
After a brief stint in the banking industry, Matthew decided that he wanted to be able to provide his clients with independent financial advice. This prompted his move to T.E. Wealth, where he worked for the first 16 years of his wealth management career.
At TriDelta Financial, Matthew provides his clients full comprehensive financial planning and investment management solutions. Never far from his thoughts are the impact of taxes on his clients’ situations and how best to mitigate them. Matthew sees the big picture, and is proactive and detail oriented in working with time-pressed clients. They trust him to keep their interests first and foremost in designing and implementing customized plans that will lead them to financial independence.
A widely-sought expert in the media, Matthew can distil complex financial topics concisely for his clients and reporters. He’s been quoted in several publications, including the Globe and Mail, Financial Post, MoneySense, Advisor.ca and Investment Executive. Matthew frequently provides his expert advice to the “Financial Facelift” series feature in the Globe and Mail’s Report on Business.
Matthew sought out and earned the prestigious R.F.P. designation in 2017. Conferred upon him by the Institute of Advanced Financial Planners, this designation is only available to those who focus on financial planning for their clients and ensures their members are held to the highest degree of trust and ethical standards.
Away from the office, Matthew enjoys spending time with his wife, his three children and his two dogs, taking Taekwondo classes and travelling.
Navigating the Path to Financial Success
Listen to Matt as he sits down with Kyle Taylor of TriDelta and discusses his inspiring path to financial prosperity and shares his vast experience of financial wisdom. Find out about his career projection and what attracted him to wealth management at TriDelta Private Wealth. Hear why Matt’s focuses on relationships and understanding his clients’ needs and his ability to tailor solutions to individual goals that is a key asset in financial security and success for his clients.
Contact Matthew today at (416) 733-3292 x 230 or email at matt@tridelta.ca for a no obligation review.